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Exciting Keto Discoveries: Ketones, Fasting, Hormones, Aging, and Space Exploration?

February 16, 20247 min read


New research and developments in the health and wellness space fascinate us, especially when they involve keto and fasting! Tune in for some out-of-this-world (literally!) info, as we even talk about the anti-aging research that comes out of our space exploration programs. You will be even more committed to your keto journey. We cover anti-aging and hormonal benefits and discuss holiday weight gain!

Read the transcript below, or watch the video summary here.

Rebecca Hannifan [00:00:00]:

Wanted to just share some things with you, kind of reinforcing the validity behind a keto lifestyle. Have you taken our 21 day real life keto challenge yet? One of the things that has kept me busy over the last couple of weeks is a keto conference. I would like to share with our keto community some of the things that we heard about. So you shouldn't take anything as I'm saying as, like, the gospel truth. But if these are topics that are interesting to you, I would just suggest that you go and do your own research and look into it more. But just kinda take this as affirmation of, yeah, there is real science behind what we're doing here at KETO-SIStas. There is real science behind the reasons you want to get your body into ketosis and the benefits that ketones can provide to your brain and your body. One of the speakers gave a statistic that was pretty alarming.

Rebecca Hannifan [00:00:48]:

They said that 52% of weight gain occurs during the holiday seasons. And the average for most people is 1 to 2 pounds, but it can go up to 10 pounds. Just a nice gentle reminder. Try to stay on track. We've done several videos on our YouTube channel about ways to make better choices throughout the holidays, and we spent a whole month on fasting. If fasting is a tool that you'd like to use, I just encourage you to go back and watch some of those videos and try to stay on track as much as possible. We want you to enjoy your holidays, but we just want you to make some better choice surrounding those holiday celebration so that you can enjoy that without totally going off track. The speakers spent a lot of time emphasizing fasting, which is great because that's something that we've emphasized here over the past several weeks.

Rebecca Hannifan [00:01:31]:

It reinforced the idea that 16 to 18 hours for most people seems to be the sweet spot for fasting, and they talked about the different benefits of fasting, how it can help improve your insulin sensitivity, help improve and rev up your metabolism, help increase your ketone production, so lots of great benefits of fasting. They also kind of threw some stones at food companies, and I, I'm using my air quotes because some of what we consider food, to me, they seem more like science experiments. Like, if you flip the box or the bag or the can around, and you read the ingredients, and it sounds like a science experiment ... it probably is. So we really advocate whole foods when you can, but food companies are actually intentionally making their foods more addictive. And there are some studies that have shown that certain foods, especially high in sugar, some of those additives that they can actually be more addictive than smoking. Kinda scary there. They also talked a lot about fasting and ketosis and ketones in relation to the aging process. And some of the speakers even focused on space exploration because apparently when you're in space, it accelerates the aging process.

Rebecca Hannifan [00:02:41]:

So they try to find ways to make it so that our astronauts can help fight that. You know, they lose, tend to lose muscle mass. I think they even said bone density. Because ketones and the keto diet can help preserve and protect your muscle mass and also can help prevent other breakdowns that we really have associated with aging, but maybe it's more a product of our lifestyle over years and the combination of that. It's difficult to pack enough food for longer trips because we've lived in a carb-laden society where we eat a lot of carbs and we eat very often, but you can see how relying more on fat and a keto-type diet where you're eating fat and you're fasting, that that can be a little bit easier for our space exploration. I found all that kind of interesting. Again, not hitting any of the details, just highlighting some of the things so that you can go back and do your own research if any of this is interesting to you. I, I feel like a keto diet, drinking ketones, incorporating fasting, those are allowing me to age better. One of the things that fasting especially, I think helps with me is autophagy, cleaning out those dead cell cells, and helping with cell renewal.

Rebecca Hannifan [00:03:52]:

So that's another good reason to maybe incorporate ketones and fasting into your lifestyle as well. One of the really, really interesting and kind of heart- wrenching things that they shared, we had a couple of speakers shared about pets, and they try to every year go and adopt pets who aren't supposed to have much life left. They try to pick pets, dogs specifically, that maybe have, like, 5 to 6 months to live, and they showed pictures of these dogs, and they were really overweight, had trouble moving, and they just looked so sad and so pitiful. But they put them on a keto diet, and they actually put ketones in water, made little ice chips for them, fed those to the dogs, and the transformation of these dogs was incredible, Like, they looked like puppies, their after pictures did compared to what they did before. So it was really cool just to see the new life and vitality that they've given to these dogs that was really cool to see. But one of the other speakers, she's a doctor that practices up in Canada, she talked about the importance of fat for hormone production and the damage that really the low-fat craze has done to a lot of people. Because I know in the past, I tried to buy low fat cheeses, low fat milks, and low fat snacks, and I didn't realize that having some fat, some cholesterol is important to keep your body's hormones producing like they should and regulated like they should. Again, I'm not giving you details on that.

Rebecca Hannifan [00:05:23]:

If that's something that's interesting to you or important to you, like, if you've known that your hormones have been off, maybe your thyroid's been off, you might wanna just talk to your doctor and do some research about a keto diet and how that may be better for you than a low fat diet, especially hormonally. Lots of great information at this conference. Again, I know it's a busy time of year, so I don't wanna take up a lot of your time, and I know that the hammering in the background might be a little distracting. Just wanted to share some of those things. If you could let me know in the comments, if you'd like to know more. I try to go to a couple of these a year, really. It's just so great for me personally to be able to go to these events, participate in them because it just validates what we do and what we preach here, and it's just always good to get that reinforcement to know that we're on the right track and we're helping others on their path to to wellness and health. Hope you enjoy learning a little bit about the conference.

Rebecca Hannifan [00:06:14]:

Also, I wanted to let you know on our KETOSIStas Facebook and Instagram page, we are going to be sharing tips to help you get through this frantic and hectic holiday season, so make sure you check those out. We'll be posting a little tip every day just to give you a little advice, comfort, and encouragement, and what can be a very happy, but very stressful and busy time of year. Happy Christmas and happy holidays. I hope you're not going too crazy. I know it's a busy time of year, but just continue to make better choices. I'll talk to you later. We hope you enjoyed watching that video as much as we enjoyed making it. If you did, give us a thumbs up.

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One of the founders of KETO-SIStas, Rebecca is passionate about helping people create a healthier lifestyle that they love.

Rebecca Hannifan

One of the founders of KETO-SIStas, Rebecca is passionate about helping people create a healthier lifestyle that they love.

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