Tired Of Failed Diets?!

We're Confident This Real Life Keto Challenge Will Work For You ... And, When You Complete It,

We Will Reward You By

Unlocking Additional FREE

Exclusive Membership Benefits!

Let the KETO-SIStas help you finally discover how to get and keep the body you love without obsessing about every bite you take.

Join Over 5,000 KETO-SIStas

Who Have Already Experienced

The Power Of This Challenge

& Found Lasting Community:

Registration ends on 

2025-03-7 at 8:00 pm EST.


"I'm so glad I found the KETO-SIStas and their 21 day challenge!! They've taught me how to deal with learning and doing the Keto lifestyle etc. a way that I couldn't do myself. You get to learn and build up to the challenge instead of everything just thrown at you on the first day. Thanks for all you guys do to put in the time and effort to help us!!"

~Nai Y.

You thought the keto diet was finally going to be THE THING that would

finally work for you.

You saw so many "before and afters" and imagined what it would feel like to have your own "before and after" success.

But then, reality and the keto police bashed your vision.

You find yourself confused by macros, by what kinds of fats you should eat, and how to keep your protein low and your fat high …

No matter how hard you try

How much you google

How many keto recipes you find on Pinterest …

You still aren’t making progress. 

The scale isn’t moving at all ... or, even worse, maybe it's moving in the wrong direction.

Your clothes are still tight.

You’re hungry, you’re tired, and you don’t get to eat anything fun.

So maybe you are thinking, “Great. Here’s another failed diet.

You thought the keto diet was finally going to be THE THING that would

finally work for you.

You saw so many "before and afters" and imagined what it would feel

like to have your own "before and after" success.

But then, reality and the keto police bashed your vision.

You find yourself confused by macros, by what kinds of fats you should eat, and how to keep your protein low and your fat high …
No matter how hard you try

How much you google

How many keto recipes you find on Pinterest …

You still aren’t making progress. 

The scale isn’t moving at all ... or, even worse, maybe it's moving in the wrong direction.

Your clothes are still tight.

You’re hungry, you’re tired, and you don’t get to eat anything fun.

So maybe you are thinking, “Great. Here’s another failed diet.

Does this sound like you? 

Does this sound like you? 

Trust Us, We've Been There. You're Not Alone In This!

We Used To Be Right Where You Are, And Then We Discovered The One Keto 

Secret That Changed Everything (Keep Reading!)

Trust Us, We've Been There.You're Not Alone In This!

We Used To Be Right Where You Are, And Then 

We Discovered The One Keto Secret That Changed Everything 

(Keep Reading!)

The Real Life Keto Challenge has ALREADY helped thousands of women, so we know this system works if you're willing to work the system.

We know you're skeptical.

You’ve tried and failed to lose weight so many times. Maybe now you think the keto diet is just one of the million other diets that don’t work for you.

Maybe you’re discouraged and think YOU are the problem.

Girl, we GET it, and we've GOT YOU.

Listen to us, Sista...

YOU are NOT the problem. It’s not your fault. You’ve just gotten the wrong information...

From the very people who are causing you to feel even more insecure and frustrated.

We are excited that you found us!

You’re finally in the right place.

Where we actually teach you all about the keto lifestyle instead of telling you to “just google it.”

Where we give grace instead of judgment.

AND where women just like you are actually losing weight, keeping it off, and feeling great!

Meet Bridgette and Rebecca ...

lifelong friends, recovering carbaholics, and founders of KETO-SIStas 

When we first discovered this keto secret, we thought it was too good to be true ...

We kept waiting for the scale to creep back up ...

We kept thinking that we should keep our fat clothes because we were afraid we would need them again ...

We kept waiting to fail … again ...

But now, 7 years later, we are:

  • in control of our eating (no more binge eating)
  • modeling healthy relationships with food for our daughters (so they can avoid some of our own challenges)
  • living the lives we deserve (on our own terms)

People kept asking us what our secret was.

So we started sharing it, one person at a time ...

And now, thousands of women have gone through our program and have 

found the answers you are still hoping for. 

What if you could...

  • Actually chase your kid around the playground instead of sitting on the bench?
  • Buy and wear a pair of skinny jeans right off the rack?
  • Wear leggings because they are flattering, NOT because they are stretchy?
  • Actually chase your kid around the playground instead of sitting on the bench?
  • Buy and wear a pair of skinny jeans right off the rack?
  • Wear leggings because they are flattering, NOT because they are stretchy?
Debra has shed over 60 pounds in 6 months* "with all the support from this wonderful group of ladies! I simply cannot believe I can eat wonderful food and still lose weight!"
Sally Ann J. lost 16.5 inches and down 17lbs* (in just 21 days!) "This group has changed my life. From my mentality to my awareness, and has made me want to push/better myself for the sake of my children."
Jamie D. "This is my 4th month doing the challenge and I couldn't be more thrilled with my results. 40 pounds* gone for good!!"
Jerrie Y. has dropped 39 pounds* (in 4 months). "I wake up in a happy mood every day, it's curbed my appetite, and makes me confident that I can be successful!" 
Christine M. is down 17 inches* in 21 days. "This has been an amazing journey."
Edna G. lost 27 pounds* (in under 5 months). "I am happy, have more focus and energy. The team and community is my biggest support."

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed

What if you could...

  • Actually chase your kid around the playground instead of sitting on the bench?
  • Buy and wear a pair of skinny jeans right off the rack?
  • Wear leggings because they are flattering, NOT because they are stretchy?
  • Actually chase your kid around the playground instead of sitting on the bench?
  • Buy and wear a pair of skinny jeans right off the rack?
  • Wear leggings because they are flattering, NOT because they are stretchy?
Debra has shed over 60 pounds in 6 months* "with all the support from this wonderful group of ladies! I simply cannot believe I can eat wonderful food and still lose weight!"
Sally Ann J. lost 16.5 inches and down 17lbs* (in just 21 days!) "This group has changed my life. From my mentality to my awareness, and has made me want to push/better myself for the sake of my children."
Jamie D. "This is my 4th month doing the challenge and I couldn't be more thrilled with my results. 40 pounds* gone for good!!"
Jerrie Y. has dropped 39 pounds* (in 4 months). "I wake up in a happy mood every day, it's curbed my appetite, and makes me confident that I can be successful!" 
Christine M. is down 17 inches* in 21 days. "This has been an amazing journey."
Edna G. lost 27 pounds* (in under 5 months). "I am happy, have more focus and energy. The team and community is my biggest support."

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed.


If You'd Stop Worrying About Your Past Diet Failures And Join Our Proven Program

Get The Above Benefits And Results Without ...

Wasted Time ...

Wasted Money ...

Wasted Energy ...

Get The Above Benefits And Results Without ...

Wasted Time ...

Wasted Money ...

Wasted Energy ...

If You're Sick And Tired Of:

  • avoiding pictures
  • ​working on the perfect pose and angle that will flatter you
  • refusing to swim with your kids
  • ​​wearing black, shapeless clothes
  • ​standing on the sidelines of life, missing out on all the fun

If You're Sick And Tired Of:

  • avoiding pictures
  • ​working on the perfect pose and angle that will flatter you
  • refusing to swim with your kids
  • ​​wearing black, shapeless clothes
  • ​standing on the sidelines of life, missing out on all the fun

Join the Challenge now and experience how much easier, lighter, happier, and better your life will be!

The One Keto Secret We Discovered That Changed Everything ...

The reason most people fail with keto is that most keto programs aren't personalized to each person's lifestyle.

So people try it for a few days and then naturally go back to what fits with their lifestyle ... undoing all the progress they may have made.

Unlike other programs that overpromise and underdeliver, our system works because it factors in your individual lifestyle and goals and is personalized to your particular needs. 


The Real Life Keto Challenge

The Simple Way To Get The Results

For The Life and Body You Want

We Designed This Challenge With Easy, Bite-Sized Action Steps 

 To Get Amazing Results Without Becoming Overwhelmed.

Every day, you get a short video (usually 10-15 minutes) that takes you through our proven system. 

By the end of the Challenge, you will feel empowered because you found the perfect fit for YOU.… a lifestyle that will complement (not complicate) your life.
Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!
Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!

Daily Accountability (Value $99)

Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!

Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!
Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!

3 Weekly Q & A (Value $99)

To cap each week, the KETO-SIStas go LIVE so you can have direct access to ask questions, share struggles, and celebrate victories along the way.

Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!
Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!

24 Days of Written Coaching (Value $99)

On most days, you'll watch an entertaining and informative video. It will explain WHY our system works (it's important for you to understand so that you will "buy in" and stay committed). But don't worry ... we won't overwhelm you, and we will definitely keep it fun! Many women have told us that the ONE thing they miss most once the Challenge is over is starting their day with the positive video messages from the KETO-SIStas.

Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!
Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!

24 Days of Written Coaching (Value $99)

Daily letters from the KETO-SIStas encourage you, reinforce video learning, and provide even more resources for those wishing to dive deeper.

Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!
Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!

Compete For Prizes (Value $33)

As if participation in the Challenge weren’t enough, your completion of the daily challenges also puts you in a drawing for awesome keto prizes. The more you participate, the higher your chances of winning!

Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!
Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!

Keto Community (Value $$$ PRICELESS)

The KETO-SIStas are all about fun keto, serious results. This ain’t your mama’s diet. No embarrassing public weigh-ins or food shaming. Just a sistahood of people who are committed to finding a workable healthy lifestyle.

Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!

Daily Accountability (Value $99) 

Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!
Daily Accountability (Value $99) 
Daily polls keep you on track toward your goals and remind you that you are not in this alone. The KETO-SIStas have your back!

20 Days of Video Coaching (Value $199) 

On most days, you'll watch an informative but entertaining video. It will explain WHY our system works (it's important for you to understand so that you will "buy in" and stay committed). But don't worry ... we won't overwhelm you and we will definitely keep it fun! Many women have told us that the ONE thing they miss most once the Challenge is over is starting their day with the positive video messages from the KETO-SIStas.

3 Weekly Q & A (Value $99) 

To cap each week, the KETO-SIStas go LIVE on Facebook so you can have direct access to ask questions, share struggles, and celebrate victories along the way.

24 Days of Written Coaching (Value $99) 

Daily letters from the KETO-SIStas encourage you, reinforce video learning, and provide even more resources for those wishing to dive deeper. 

Compete For Prizes (Value $33) 

As if participation in the Challenge weren’t enough, your completion of the daily challenges also puts you in a drawing for awesome keto prizes. The more you participate, the higher your chances of winning! 

Keto Community (Value $$$ PRICELESS) 

The KETO-SIStas are all about fun keto, serious results. This ain’t your mama’s diet. No embarrassing public weigh-ins or food shaming. Just a sistahood of people who are committed to finding a workable healthy lifestyle.



I’ve been trying to do KETO since June of this year. It has always been a stop & go effect. I could not get it right. I joined this group thanks to someone who invited me from another KETO group. Let me tell you some of those are brutal. All I can say is I LOVE this group. For the first time ever since trying KETO I stuck to it for 3 solid weeks. I jumped on the scale this morning and I’m down 14 pounds*. Thank you for all your support and encouragement. My take away from this challenge is to take it slow and “give yourself grace.” Mahalo (thank you) so much!


Thru the daily video of inspiration and education, I have learned how our liver processes short and medium chain fats quickly to burn fat. I have learned from the links shared of encouraging info on brain health, decreasing inflammation, weight loss and the list goes on. At 64, my loss is 10# so far* Through the guidance from the 21 Day Challenge, the decision of what to eat is easy now. I don't have cravings for that glass of wine or experience emotional eating!


I have loved being a part of the 21 day challenge.... Everyone lifts each other up to be the best version of themselves. They are so good at explaining the lifestyle and offering tools & resources to help us succeed. They are so relatable and transparent with their own health struggles and are so giving of their time and wisdom. I would recommend this group to anyone who is looking for better in their life and desiring a positive/supportive community.



Thank you. Thank you. Thank you…just does not seem to be enough for all I have learned. I have learned so much and can’t believe this group has come to an end. It seems like yesterday we just began. I don’t plan on giving this up anytime soon. This has been life changing for me and for the first time I can see this being a forever lifestyle… Thank you!


I joined the 21 Day Challenge after I started keto [by] watching countless You Tube videos and researching. Their way of explaining things made it make sense. I’m a member of keto Facebook pages that can be so judgmental. The challenge group is a safe nonjudgmental place to ask questions and to get support. I started strict keto but now do more of a lazy keto, I’m down 18 pounds in 2 months!*

This challenge was a great way for me to start the keto diet. I started keto 2 days before the challenge based on advice from friends and some research. But having a "keto coach" to teach me the science behind the diet, the many benefits outside of weight loss and to answer any question I had was invaluable and definitely contributed to my success. 10 lbs down and still going!*


*Results may vary and are not guaranteed



I’ve been trying to do KETO since June of this year. It has always been a stop & go effect. I could not get it right. I joined this group thanks to someone who invited me from another KETO group. Let me tell you some of those are brutal. All I can say is I LOVE this group. For the first time ever since trying KETO I stuck to it for 3 solid weeks. I jumped on the scale this morning and I’m down 14 pounds*. Thank you for all your support and encouragement. My take away from this challenge is to take it slow and “give yourself grace.” Mahalo (thank you) so much!


Thru the daily video of inspiration and education, I have learned how our liver processes short and medium chain fats quickly to burn fat. I have learned from the links shared of encouraging info on brain health, decreasing inflammation, weight loss and the list goes on. At 64, my loss is 10# so far* Through the guidance from the 21 Day Challenge, the decision of what to eat is easy now. I don't have cravings for that glass of wine or experience emotional eating!


I have loved being a part of the 21 day challenge.... Everyone lifts each other up to be the best version of themselves. They are so good at explaining the lifestyle and offering tools & resources to help us succeed. They are so relatable and transparent with their own health struggles and are so giving of their time and wisdom. I would recommend this group to anyone who is looking for better in their life and desiring a positive/supportive community.



Thank you. Thank you. Thank you…just does not seem to be enough for all I have learned. I have learned so much and can’t believe this group has come to an end. It seems like yesterday we just began. I don’t plan on giving this up anytime soon. This has been life changing for me and for the first time I can see this being a forever lifestyle… Thank you!


I joined the 21 Day Challenge after I started keto [by] watching countless You Tube videos and researching. Their way of explaining things made it make sense. I’m a member of keto Facebook pages that can be so judgmental. The challenge group is a safe nonjudgmental place to ask questions and to get support. I started strict keto but now do more of a lazy keto, I’m down 18 pounds in 2 months!*

This challenge was a great way for me to start the keto diet. I started keto 2 days before the challenge based on advice from friends and some research. But having a "keto coach" to teach me the science behind the diet, the many benefits outside of weight loss and to answer any question I had was invaluable and definitely contributed to my success. 10 lbs down and still going!*


*Results may vary and are not guaranteed.

What do you have to lose...

Besides fat, guilt, and shame?

Here's What You Get In The Real Life Keto Challenge:

20 Days of Video Instruction (Value $199)

24 Days of Written Coaching (Value $99)

3 Weekly Q & A (Value $99)

Compete For Prizes (Value $33)

Daily Accountability (Value $99)

Community (Priceless) 

BONUS: 10-Day Meal Plan (Value $27)
BONUS: Keto Grocery Guide (Value $19)

Total Value: Over $575+

Your Challenge Price: $47* 

**We provide more value than we charge for the Challenge because we sincerely want others to have the hope that we discovered. But since we know the Challenge only works if YOU do, we provide an additional incentive for you to stay on track. The first time you finish the Challenge, we will reward you by giving you a FREE month's membership in our Accountability Group. Reward limited to one per person; previous participants are welcome to re-take the Challenge but are not eligible for a repeat reward.

How do I get rewarded?

  • Pay to take the Challenge.

  • Complete the Challenge.

  • Celebrate how you've made progress and feel great!​

  • As an additional reward for finishing the Challenge the first time & to help you stay on track, get a FREE month's membership in our awesome Accountability Group.

Yes, we know that sounds crazy (the Accountability Group membership costs the same as the Challenge, so it's almost like getting your money back for completing the Challenge!). But we also know how it feels to be in your shoes ... and we believe in our system so much, we are happy to reward those women who will truly take advantage of it to change their lives for the BETTER.



Keto Grocery Guide

Our proven Keto Grocery Guide lists over 60 of the best keto foods to buy with the carb and fat content listed right beside them so you know your best food options.


10-Day Meal Plan

The 10-Day Meal Plan maps out each meal of the day with a variety of recipes to keep you fueled and motivated. Simple, easy, and limited ingredients make for a successful plan!

What do you have to lose...

Besides weight, guilt, and shame?

Here's What You Get In The Real Life Keto Challenge:

20 Days Of Video Instruction 

(Value $199)

24 Days Of Written Coaching

  (Value $99)

3 Weekly Q & A 

(Value $99)

Compete For Prizes 

(Value $33)

Daily Accountability 

(Value $99)



BONUS: 10-Day Meal Plan (Value $27)

BONUS: Keto Grocery Guide (Value $19)

Total Value: $̶575+

Challenge Price: $47* 

*We provide more value than we charge for the Challenge because we sincerely want others to have the hope that we discovered. But since we know the Challenge only works if YOU do, we provide an additional incentive for you to stay on track. The first time you finish the Challenge, we will reward you by giving you a FREE month's membership in our Accountability Group. Reward limited to one per person; previous participants are welcome to re-take the Challenge but are not eligible for a repeat reward.

How do I get rewarded?

  • Pay to take the Challenge.

  • Complete the Challenge.

  • Celebrate how you've made progress and feel great!​

  • As an additional reward for finishing the Challenge (the first time) & to help you stay on track, get a FREE month's membership in our awesome Accountability Group!

Yes, we know that sounds crazy (the Accountability Group membership costs the same as the Challenge, so it's almost like getting your money back for completing the Challenge!). But we also know how it feels to be in your shoes ... and we believe in our system so much, we are happy to reward those women who will truly take advantage of it to change their lives for the BETTER.

We have so many awesome success stories, way more than we have room for here.

But what really bothers us is thinking about those who don't follow through and complete the program ... and so they never enjoy the fat loss, energy, joy, and life they deserve.

We wanted to do something to make sure that more of our KETO-SIStas complete the system, reach their goals, and maintain their progress.

Introducing our Challenge with a twist! Complete it and get a FREE month's membership to our exclusive, private Accountability Group. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to level up your goals and join a supportive community. Take the challenge today!


You read that right ...

  • You pay to take the Challenge.

  • ​You finish the Challenge.

  • ​​You have success.

  • ​You feel great.

  • ​​AND, in return, we reward you for your hard work by giving you a FREE month's membership to KETO-Confident, our Accountability Group (reward limited to once per person). That membership enables you to take the Challenge again FOR FREE ... so it's like we are giving our systems away! Plus, there are so many other cool features and benefits to our KETO-Confident Group. We want to set you up for continued success by helping you create and maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle!

Why? Why would we do this?

Because first of all, we know that if you have some skin in the game, you will take it more seriously and therefore you're more likely to achieve your goals.

And secondly, we are fed up with women feeling insecure. Trying so hard to make a change but not seeing results. Feeling like it’s their fault.

So we have created this movement called Real Life Keto to guide, support, and encourage people just like you.

We are so grateful to have discovered this keto system that we've been on a mission to share it with the world.

AND, not only will we reward first-time finishers with a FREE month in KETO-Confident, but we will even have a drawing at the end of the Challenge for some awesome keto prizes.

Join now, before we realize how crazy ridiculous this offer really is!




Keto Grocery Guide

Our proven Keto Grocery Guide lists over 60 of the best keto foods to buy with the carb and fat content listed right beside them so you know your best food options.


10-Day Meal Plan

The 10-Day Meal Plan maps out each meal of the day with a variety of recipes to keep you fueled and motivated. Simple, easy, and limited ingredients make for a successful plan!

We have so many awesome success stories, way more than we have room for here.

But what really bothers us is thinking about those who don't follow through and complete the program ... and so they never enjoy the weight loss and life they deserve.

We wanted to do something to make sure that more of our KETO-SIStas complete the system, reach their goals, and maintain their progress.

Introducing our Challenge with a twist! Complete it and get a FREE month's membership to our exclusive, private Accountability Group. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to level up your goals and join a supportive community. Take the Challenge today!


You read that right ...

  • You pay to take the Challenge.

  • ​You finish the Challenge.

  • ​​You have success.

  • ​You feel great.

  • ​​AND, in return, we reward you for your hard work by giving you a FREE month's membership to KETO-Confident, our Accountability Group (reward limited to one per person). That membership enables you to take the Challenge again FOR FREE ... so it's like we are giving our systems away! Plus, there are so many other cool features and benefits to our KETO-Confident Group, We want to set you up for continued success by helping you create AND maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Why? Why would we do this?

Because first of all, we know that if you have some skin in the game, you will take it more seriously and therefore you're more likely to achieve your goals.

And secondly, we are fed up with women feeling insecure. Trying so hard to make a change but not seeing results. Feeling like it’s their fault.

So we have created this movement called Real Life Keto to guide, support, and encourage people just like you.

We are so grateful to have discovered this keto system that we've been on a mission to share it with the world.

AND, not only will we reward first-time finishers with a FREE month of KETO-Confident, but we will even have a drawing at the end of the Challenge for some awesome keto prizes.

Join now, before we realize how crazy ridiculous this offer really is!



Join Our Tribe Of Positive, Encouraging Women AND Improve More Than Just Your Waistline!

It Takes 21 Days To Create A Habit ...

We Are Here To Help You Create Yours.



Join Our Tribe Of Positive, Encouraging Women 

AND Improve More Than Just Your Waistline!

It Takes 21 Days To Create A Habit ...

We Are Here To Help You Create Yours.

Daily Guides

Daily written coaching and Challenge assignments designed to help you implement what you're learning by putting you into action. Your participation can even help you win prizes! The more you participate, the more chances you have to win!
Daily written coaching and Challenge assignments designed to help you implement what you're learning by putting you into action. Your participation can even help you win prizes! The more you participate, the more chances you have to win!

Daily Videos

Video coaching every morning, except on the days we go LIVE. Info on the science behind the keto lifestyle AND how to make it work for you! Fun and entertaining, but always full of value to help you on your keto journey.
Video coaching every morning, except on the days we go LIVE. Info on the science behind the keto lifestyle AND how to make it work for you! Fun and entertaining, but always full of value to help you on your keto journey.

Weekly Q&A

Weekly LIVE interaction with your KETO-SIStas coaches who will answer your questions, get to know you, and probably make you laugh more than once. We love interacting with our groups . . . it's our favorite day of the week!


In our humble opinion, you get access to the BEST keto community on the planet. Plenty of advice, grace, accountability, shared recipes and experiences, and support! Positivity, results, and fun, in a judgment-free zone!

Daily Guides

Daily written coaching and Challenge assignments designed to help you implement what you're learning by putting you into action. Your participation can even help you win prizes! The more you participate, the more chances you have to win!
Daily written coaching and Challenge assignments designed to help you implement what you're learning by putting you into action. Your participation can even help you win prizes! The more you participate, the more chances you have to win!

Daily Videos

Video coaching every morning, except on the days we go LIVE. Info on the science behind the keto lifestyle AND how to make it work for you! Fun and entertaining, but always full of value to help you on your keto journey.
Video coaching every morning, except on the days we go LIVE. Info on the science behind the keto lifestyle AND how to make it work for you! Fun and entertaining, but always full of value to help you on your keto journey.

Weekly Q&A

Weekly LIVE interaction with your KETO-SIStas coaches who will answer your questions, get to know you, and probably make you laugh more than once. We love interacting with our groups . . . it's our favorite day of the week!


In our humble opinion, you get access to the BEST keto community on the planet. Plenty of advice, grace, accountability, shared recipes and experiences, and support! Positivity, results, and fun, in a judgment-free zone!


So If I Finish The Challenge, I Get EVEN MORE Value?

We searched for the best way to guarantee your success. In the past, the Challenge was free to anyone. Unfortunately, many never showed up for themselves because they had no skin in the game. Then, we found a hybrid approach that incentivizes you to complete the Challenge! Now we require you to pay for the Challenge (you're literally investing in your health) ... but the first time you finish the Challenge, we will reward you with a FREE month in our KETO-Confident Group (which includes the ability to repeat the Challenge itself for FREE). We want you to bet on yourself that you can and you will do this ... so if you complete the Challenge, then you win in more ways than one.

Will It Work For Me?

Our Challenge has served thousands of participants. Our unique, simple system has proven to work for those who chose to work the system!

Do I Have To Purchase Special Foods?

There are no required foods or meal kits. We will discuss REAL food that you can (and should!) buy at REAL stores. In fact, many of the products marketed as "keto" should be avoided. A select few will actually enhance your results. We'll give you the inside scoop so you can know the difference.

Do I Have To Exercise To Get Results?

While we advocate regular physical movement as a component of overall health, we have observed many people achieve great results without changing their exercise habits. However, as people improve their health, lower their weight, and feel more energy, we have noticed that they tend to become more active!

Do I Have To Meal Prep?

Meal prepping can be a valuable tool, especially for busy families. But it is not a required component of this Challenge. In fact, as people become fat-adapted, they often eat fewer meals and snacks than before . . . which frees up more time for doing the things you love.

Will I Lose 150 Pounds During The Challenge?

NO. Our Challenge is amazing, but please be realistic. Moreover, we promote healthy LIFESTYLE changes, incorporated slowly and consistently over time . . . not a temporary or extreme diet.

I Have _____ <insert medical issues>. Can I Still Participate In The Challenge?

Everyone should consult their medical professional before changing their nutrition, supplementation, dietary, fasting, exercise, or other health protocols. Results shown may not be typical and are not guaranteed, as many factors are at play.

How Much Time Is Required And When Can I Get Started?

The Challenge moves you from KETO-Curious to KETO-Confident in just 21 days. Get ready to change your life forever. Each day you will have two easy-to-complete missions to help guarantee your success.

What Does The Community Support Look Like?

You have tried diets alone … what a miserable experience! The Real Life Keto 21-Day Challenge is a fun and friend-filled challenge of others who want to make the same changes you do. And we are NOT like any other keto or diet groups out there. We are a judgment-free zone … NO KETO POLICE ALLOWED.

Can I Share This With A Friend? 

What kind of friend would you be if you didn’t?! Plus, we have found that going through the Challenge with a friend is more fun and leads to greater success. In fact, we have a referral program that actually rewards those who are successful at inviting others into the Challenge.


So If I Finish The Challenge, I Get EVEN MORE Value?

We searched for the best way to guarantee your success. In the past, the Challenge was free to anyone. Unfortunately, many never showed up for themselves because they had no skin in the game. Then, we found a hybrid approach that incentivizes you to complete the Challenge! Now we require you to pay for the Challenge (you're literally investing in your health!) ... but the first time you finish the Challenge, we will reward you with a FREE month in our KETO-Confident Group (which includes the ability to repeat the Challenge itself for FREE). We want you to bet on yourself that you can and you will do this ... so if you complete the Challenge, then you win in more ways than one.

Will It Work For Me?

Our Challenge has served thousands of participants. Our unique, simple system has proven to work for those who chose to work the system!

Do I Have To Purchase Special Foods?

There are no required foods or meal kits. We will discuss REAL food that you can (and should!) buy at REAL stores. In fact, many of the products marketed as "keto" should be avoided. A select few will actually enhance your results. We'll give you the inside scoop so you can know the difference.

Do I Have To Exercise To Get Results?

While we advocate regular physical movement as a component of overall health, we have observed many people achieve great results without changing their exercise habits. However, as people improve their health, lower their weight, and feel more energy, we have noticed that they tend to become more active!

Do I Have To Meal Prep?

Meal prepping can be a valuable tool, especially for busy families. But it is not a required component of this Challenge. In fact, as people become fat-adapted, they often eat fewer meals and snacks than before . . . which frees up more time for doing the things you love.

Will I Lose 150 Pounds During The Challenge?

NO. Our Challenge is amazing, but please be realistic. Moreover, we promote healthy LIFESTYLE changes, incorporated slowly and consistently over time . . . not a temporary or extreme diet.

I Have _____ <insert medical issues>. Can I Still Participate In The Challenge?

Everyone should consult their medical professional before changing their nutrition, supplementation, dietary, fasting, exercise, or other health protocols. Results shown may not be typical and are not guaranteed, as many factors are at play.

How Much Time Is Required And When Can I Get Started?

The Challenge moves you from KETO-Curious to KETO-Confident in just 21 days. Get ready to change your life forever. Each day you will have two easy-to-complete missions to help guarantee your success.

What Does The Community Support Look Like?

You have tried diets alone … what a miserable experience! The Real Life Keto 21-Day Challenge is a fun and friend-filled challenge of others who want to make the same changes you do. And we are NOT like any other keto or diet groups out there. We are a judgment-free zone … NO KETO POLICE ALLOWED.

Can I Share This With A Friend? 

What kind of friend would you be if you didn’t?! Plus, we have found that going through the Challenge with a friend is more fun and leads to greater success. In fact, we have a referral program that actually rewards those who are successful at inviting others into the Challenge.

Still Worried It Won't Work For You?

We'll even pinky swear on it!

Maybe you are ready to say "Yes" to yourself, but, because of past disappointments, you still wonder ...

Listen, we know our Challenge works because we have helped so many women.

Take the full 21 days to explore the materials and experience the magical vibe of KETO-SIStas. Finish the Challenge, and you can be rewarded with even MORE support, knowledge, accountability, and fun with a FREE month's membership in our Accountability Group. (Reward limited to one per person.)

We know when we both show up, that's where the magic is ...

so let's do this together!

Still Worried It Won't Work For You?

We'll even pinky swear on it!

Maybe you are ready to say "Yes" to yourself, but, because of past disappointments, you still wonder ...

Listen, we know our Challenge works because we have helped so many women.

Take the full 21 days to explore the materials and experience the magical vibe of KETO-SIStas. Finish the Challenge, and you can be rewarded with even MORE support, knowledge, accountability, and fun with a FREE month's membership in our Accountability Group (reward limited to one per person).

We know when we both show up, that's where the magic is ...

so let's do this together!

One last chance to be a member of the

One last chance to be a member of the

Fine Print: Nothing herein or within the group(s) should be construed as medical, nutritional, financial, legal, supplementation, or health advice or claims. Any information provided herein is for illustrative/opinion purposes only based on our experience in exploring different resources and strategies for our own life, and no results presented or suggested should be considered guaranteed or even typical. Participants agree to consult their medical professional before starting any diet, exercise, fasting, nutrition, supplementation, or health/lifestyle regimen. Participation in the group(s) is at one's own risk, and participants agree to hold KETO-SIStas, Rebecca and Bridgette, the Admins/Moderators, and other participants harmless for anything arising out of the group(s). Access to the Challenge materials is only available while currently participating in the Challenge. The KETO-SIStas will solely determine whether the Challenge has been completed (and therefore whether the participant gets a reward of a month's membership in KETO-Confident). Our guidelines for that determination may be viewed upon request, and only one reward per person may be awarded. Any ancillary purchases (of products or additional resources) in addition to the Challenge Fee are final, and no refunds will be made. Rebecca is an Independent Promoter with Prüvit and respects the businesses built by other Promoters. Any other Promoters not on her BETTER TOGETHER team (as well as any customers of any Promoters not on that team) are respectfully requested to refrain from joining our group(s). Moreover, nothing herein or within the group(s) should be taken as any claim or guarantee of income, bonuses, or free product. Results of promoting or sharing the ketone conversation depend upon individual effort. Rebecca, the KETO-SIStas, the Admins/Moderators, and others may be compensated for purchases made of products or services they recommend, including through Prüvit as well as affiliate advertising programs with Amazon and other companies. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. You may assume links to such recommended products/services may be affiliate links. Purchase of any recommended products or services is at participants' own discretion. Individuals participating as affiliate partners with us may also be compensated for inviting people into the Challenge. By participating in the Challenge and/or as an affiliate, you agree that the KETO-SIStas may solely determine whether anyone is abusing the system of rewards and/or referrals, and that upon their determination, anyone can be banned at any time from participating with no recourse or right to refunds or payments of any kind. Programs are void where prohibited. Just use common sense and be nice, which is what we try to do -- then we should all be happy campers. If you have read to this point, then you will likely get along really well with Rebecca, who enjoys the fine print . . . but Bridgette will probably make fun of you for it.

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